We encourage honorable achievement in every field of human endeavor. We promote the welfare of our members. We communicate the achievements of our members locally, communicate the achievements of our members through our Chapter Award Submission (Provincial &
National) and facilitate the Ceremonial Award of Achievements (Founder’s Day).
Traditionally the Historian of the Detroit Alumni Chapter and committee members are charged with the duties of; archiving the obituaries of chapter members that have passed on to Chapter Invisible; submitting articles and photos to the Journal of Kappa Alpha Psi for publication; maintaining the Diggs Memorial History Room; rotating display items; cataloging all historical items as photos, paddles, documents, bricks, publications, trophies, Scroller Club, creative paraphilia and awards; present a formal written monthly report at Detroit Alumni Board Meetings and Chapter Meetings; submit articles of achievement for the chapter newsletter and the Northern Province Northern Light Newsletter. Subcommittee members provide updates of chapter member’s current/contemporary achievements, chapter social, community service and fund-raising events by posting on social media sites.
Our Mission statement is bonding a brotherhood to make a positive difference within our fraternity and communities, as we learn the values of our fellow brothers and families in a trustworthy and enriching way as build more understanding as men uplifting family morals and fatherhood while having fun.
Spirit Committee came about under the leadership of Darrell Bond as the 42nd Polemarch of Detroit Alumni Chapter in 2012. His vision was to build a stronger brotherhood among the brothers and their families. It started out on the fourth Friday we would meet in the basement of the Kappa House and sing Kappa songs. Further, we were able to start working at the Ford Field for the fundraiser to help with the scholarships for the Kappa Leaguers. Every year we would have a Family Fun Day with our kids, grandkids and friends. Later we would enjoy a adult night for the family with games.